Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol – Causes, Risks And Treatment

Cholesterol is a vital substance that is needed for the optimum functioning of your body. However, this wax-like substance is insoluble in the blood, and hence some protein carriers transport the cholesterol in the entire body effectively. They are called lipoproteins.

Lipoproteins are mainly divided into two groups, the first being LDL and the second HDL. LDL or low-density lipoprotein is regarded as the bad cholesterol while HDL or high-density lipoprotein is said to be the good or essential part of cholesterol that your body needs.

In this article, we will be dealing with the low-density lipoprotein, its causes, symptoms and how can we prevent the excess formation of LDL cholesterol in our body.

What is Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)?

LDL is the unwanted part of cholesterol that leads to nothing but the formation of plague in your arteries. The low-density lipoprotein adds to the accumulation of cholesterol which results in fatal diseases.

What basically happens is, the Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, along with some other substances forms plague and starts piling up on the walls of your artery. This wall gradually starts to decrease and the flow of blood is diminished which can lead to certain heart diseases.

If your LDL cholesterol level is anything more than a hundred mg/dL, then you surely need to control its formation and consult your doctor for taking medicines.

What are the causes of LDL?

There are a lot of factors that can be major causes for the overabundant formation of LDL cholesterol. We will be discussing the most common and crucial ones below:-

  1. Unhealthy nutrition – Nutrition plays a dominant role in the production of bad cholesterol. Fatty foods (unsaturated) cause the development of LDL in a high quantity. Hence, you should skip having junk food with added fats in order to maintain your cholesterol level.
  2. Family factor – If anyone in your family has already been a victim of cholesterol-related diseases, then it is highly likely that you will suffer from the same. To avoid this in the early stage, you must have a regular checkup every 5 years.
  3. Smoking – Increment of LDL or decrement of HDL, both account for the likeliness of having a fatal heart stroke. Excessive smoking lowers down the high-density lipoprotein, i.e, the good cholesterol which eventually results in diseases.
  4. Insufficient physical readiness – However weight does not determine whether you will have high cholesterol or not, being physically fit is a universal solution to stay away from any kind of disease. Engaging in physical activities constantly will help with managing your cholesterol levels.
  5. Existing diseases – If you are already suffering from some critical diseases like that of kidney or liver, there is a probability that you may have high cholesterol as well. It is always better to get it checked beforehand.

Symptoms of LDL

Cholesterol is one such disease that has no prominent symptoms initially but a fatal heart stroke is a sure sign when your condition is worsened.

The safest precaution that you must take for maintaining your cholesterol level is to get them checked from time to time. A simple blood test every 5 years will tell you the state of your LDL cholesterol.

Some consequences that you will need to face as a result of high cholesterol are listed below. These symptoms may vary from person to person and are not mandatorily felt by every patient.

They are –

  1. Nausea
  2. Headache
  3. Dizziness
  4. Difficulty in adjusting vision
  5. Chest pain
  6. Heaviness of breath
  7. Frequent numbing of certain organs

What health risks can be caused due to LDL?

The direct health risk that you will come across due to the increased level of LDL is a heart stroke or attack. Since LDL is said to block your blood vessels, you will experience sudden pain and difficulty in breathing which would be the initial sign of the extreme stage of high cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol leads to the production of plague on the inside of your arteries and vessels. The plague keeps on building up, thinning down your vessels which eventually results in decreased blood flow. This ceased circulation of blood is the root cause of heart diseases.

Oftentimes, when excess plague is gathered, a flake could fall off and even block the passage of blood completely, stopping the smooth circulation.

To avoid the potential health risks of high cholesterol, you need to get yourself checked every now and then to be assured of your good health.

The next and the final section deals with some practical prevention methods that are effectively proven to control your cholesterol formation.

Prevention and Treatment methods

As they say, precaution is better than cure, so is true in literal terms. It is always better if you visit your doctor every 4-6 months and have a blood test done to know your body and what measures you need to take for maintaining a healthy balance.

We have sorted the top 3 preventions as well as the treatments that you should take if you are suspecting or have high cholesterol:

  1. Have medicines – There’s nothing better than medicines if you are dealing with chronic heart diseases. There are various pills available for controlling cholesterol levels, one of which is used extensively and called Statins. Apart from that, you can also go for a lighter variant, PCSK9. If you can’t intake a strong dose and are sensitive to harsh medicines, then this would be a great alternative.
  2. Consume good food – Eating healthy food is undoubtedly the best you can do if you don’t want to reach the medicine stage. Adding lots of greens and crunchy fruits to your diet will flush off half the diseases from your body. Make sure to add an element of fiber as well. Avoid eating anything that has unsaturated fats in it because the cholesterol build-up is supported by fats.
  3. Exercise – Although being overweight is not the primary factor of diseases related to the heart due to high cholesterol, it is always better if you keep up with your health and try to indulge in physical activities such as running, skipping, and stretching. When you are fit outside, the same will be reflected on the inside. Hence, staying physically fit is another step of prevention from major diseases.


LDL or the bad cholesterol surprisingly shares the larger quantity of cholesterol in your body. Cholesterol, being a considerably important element for the well working of your body is said to be good until the proportion of LDL and HDL remains balanced.

Consequences may occur if you have a bad lifestyle and consume a high quantity of unsaturated fats in your diet. Although in most cases high cholesterol is based on external factors, some may also carry the disease as heredity.

If you are one of them, we suggest you consult a doctor and follow the prevention methods for attaining a better and healthy body.